bLoyal API Documention and Samples

Element: CalcRequest


The request that is passed into the CalculateSalesTransaction call.

Derived By

Type CalcRequest

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
CalculateShipping  boolean 

Set to True to have bLoyal calculate shipping charges.  If set to True then you must pass in a transaction shipment with a valid shipping carrier and service. 

Note: This is only applicable if you are using bLoyal Order Processing natively without a POS Snippet.

CalculateTax  boolean 

Set to True to have bLoyal calculate taxes on the transaction.  In most cases your system should be calculating taxes. 

Note: This is only applicable if you are using bLoyal Order Processing natively without a POS Snippet.

CouponCodes  ArrayOfstring  A list coupons you want bLoyal to process as part of the CalculateSalesTransaction call.
ExcludedDiscountIds  ArrayOfint  A list of bLoyal discounts you want to exclude from triggering. This should normally be left blank
Transaction  SalesTransaction  The sales transaction you want to calculate (i.e. run the bLoyal promotions and loyalty engine on).