bLoyal API Documention and Samples

Element: CalcResponse


Response returned from the CalculateSalesTransaction method

Derived By

Type CalcResponse

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Description 
AppliedCoupons  ArrayOfCouponSummary  This is a list of Coupons that were applied.
AppliedDiscounts  ArrayOfDiscountSummary  The list of bLoyal Discounts that were automatically applied.
LoyaltyCurrencyAccrued  decimal  The amount of loyalty currency that may accrue if the sale is completed.
LoyaltyPointsAccrued  int  The number of loyalty points that will accrue if the sale is completed.
LoyaltyPointsUsed  int  The numer of customer loyalty points that will be used if the sale is completed.
Offers  ArrayOfOffer  A list of potential Offers the customer may be eligible for.  You should display the offer message along with a link to the offer details.
Transaction  SalesTransaction  The modified sales transaction with any bLoyal discounts applied.