bLoyal API Documention and Samples

Method: CommitTransactionToken


CalculateSalesTransaction returns suggested loyalty accruals and usage.  You must commit the transaction to lock in the point acruals or usage once the customer has paid.  You can do this either with your transaction number or the bLoyal geneated transaction Token.  This a lieightweight call takes the bLoyal transaction Token as input and commits the loyalty transaction(s) associated with the transaction.  It must be called as soon as your system captures funds on the trasnction.  You can later call SubmitSalesTransation offline to record the full detail of the transaction with bLoyal.

Name  Type  Description 
credential  Credential  Web service login credentials.
transToken  string  The transaction Token that was generated by the CalculateSalesTransaciton() method call.

A CommitTransactionTokenResult element having the structure defined by the following table.

Name  Type  Description 
ExternalId  string   
ReceiptMessages  ArrayOfstring   
TransToken  string   
Name  Content  Description 
RedirectFaultFault  RedirectFault  The client account is on another service cluster.
SecurityFaultFault  SecurityFault   
BusinessFaultFault  BusinessFault   
SystemFaultFault  SystemFault